Independence Day Parade Dedication – LaVerne Tolsma

Jun 15, 2024

The Liverpool Township Historical Society has lost our beloved La Verne Tolsma.  From our 1975 creation until her recent passing, she has been the rock in our midst.  Charter Member, President for decades, Director and Activist are merely the titles she earned.  Liverpool 4th  grade students knew her well as she arranged history tours of downtown and our Depot Museum.  They researched and wrote a paper about some element of Liverpool.  The Township knew her well as she was instrumental in its 175th and 200th anniversary celebrations, both major events.  And the annual July 4th parade and antique auto judging.  And booths at both Street Fair and Frog Jump.  And researching/archiving/ preserving the fascinating history of our town.  And because of a dearth of membership nearly single handedly keeping us alive until the 2010 Bicentennial brought new membership.  And leading the research, compiling and publication of “A Rural Reflection’ the well-received bicentennial history book.  The Medina County Historical Society knew her well and bestowed the coveted Northrop Heritage Award for her dedicated service.

Now that she has left us, it is fitting and proper that the 2024 Independence Day Parade is officially named in remembrance of La Verne Tolsma.  A brief dedication ceremony will take place immediately before the parade steps off.